Grassroots Organizations
We support growing grassroots organizations working to creatively and effectively respond to community needs.

Featured Partner
We like working with smaller, solutions-focused organizations who truly know their communities and can benefit from targeted support. The Social Innovation Forum, through its nonprofit marketplace, matches funders with grassroots partners ready to expand their reach and increase their impact.
Through careful research, SIF identifies passionate, impactful nonprofit organizations to introduce to its rolodex of in-kind supporters, volunteers and funders. Their aim is to support both funders seeking ongoing partnerships and growing organizations serving their communities.
We are particularly interested in supporting small organizations that have demonstrated effective work and need support to scale up to increase their impact.
Cultivating Ideas
A common challenge for grassroots organizations is harnessing the funds and bandwidth to organize efficient service delivery, market themselves, and adequately meet tax obligations and regulatory requirements. SIF works to change this by providing nonprofits with volunteer in-kind professional services and consultants that enable them to streamline their operations and focus on their missions.
The Foundation works directly with its nonprofit partners, sharing our skills in support of their work. SIF’s hands-on, thoughtful approach aligns perfectly with the Foundation’s giving style. SIF’s comprehensive, multi-year support system reinforces smaller nonprofits as they steadily build capacity. Instead of being overlooked by larger funders, SIF’s grassroots partners receive the resources they need to grow, year after year.
Cultivating Ideas
A common challenge for grassroots organizations is harnessing the funds and bandwidth to organize efficient service delivery, market themselves, and adequately meet tax obligations and regulatory requirements. SIF works to change this by providing nonprofits with volunteer in-kind professional services and consultants that enable them to streamline their operations and focus on their missions.
The foundation works directly with its nonprofit partners, sharing our skills in support of their work. SIF’s hands-on, thoughtful approach aligns perfectly with the foundation’s giving style. SIF’s comprehensive, multi-year support system reinforces smaller nonprofits as they steadily build capacity. Instead of being overlooked by larger funders, SIF’s grassroots partners receive the resources they need to grow, year after year.